Invulnerable Nothings’ multimedia exploration of The Broken Heart (1633) considers the surveillance state at peace, embracing the masqued delirium of John Ford’s Sparta. This version is particularly concerned with Ford’s poetic voice, that ‘distinct personal rhythm in blank verse which could be no one's but his alone’ (T.S. Eliot), as it relates to the technologized violence of the play. Reimagined court dance, corporeal feminist theory, and found footage merge in this structurally modern Caroline tragedy, culminating in the darkest coronation in English literature.
The Broken Heart received a generous development lab and public showings through the various support of Spaceworks, The Indie Theatre Fund, and Theatre Mitu in June 2019 at MITU580, through Theatre Mitu’s Artists-At-Home initiative. The work’s previously scheduled 2020 premier was postponed due to the Coranvirus pandemic.
"Ford was of the first order of poets. He sought for sublimity, not by parcels in metaphors or visible images, but directly where she has her full residence in the heart of man; in the actions and sufferings of the greatest minds."
-Charles Lamb, Specimens of English Dramatic Poets Who Lived About the Time of Shakespeare (1808)
The Broken Heart in lab was developed with Katherine Hipkiss as Grausis/ Chorus, Kristin Winters* as Penthea, Lauren Guglielmello as Calantha, Sarah Quigley* as Euphranea, Vincent Santvoord as Orgilus, Paul Battiato* as Crotolon, Jake Roberston* as Bassanes/Amyclas, Matthew E. Brown as Ithocles, Dale White* as Prophilus, and Jakob Minevich as Nearchus (*appearing courtesy of AEA).
The lab was directed/facilitated by C.C. Kellogg, with dramaturgy by Katherine Hipkiss, movement by Mackian Bauman, sound + graphic design by Joan Pope/ TempleOvSaturn, and original costumes by Beau Watson. Stage managed by Amanda Rich with technical support and lighting from Melissa Ingle.